Why not use Coaching Classes Notes IAS IPS
what they've written?
what i write in the note?when expenditure is more than income, government has to borrow to finance the deficit from banks and people.that is called Deficit Financing.
Deficit Finace = Govt. borrows from people + Bank.compare their 23 words with my 7 words.
even their 'so called Last minute Revision Note' is longer than my own note.
you don't have to write down "when Expenditure is more than income.." cause its obvious
that you don't borrow unless you're out of money and you're not out of money unless you spend more than what you earn.
see? you've to waste more time revising that long line + pain on brain to remember it.
but it'd not be the same thing if you had your Own note.
so don't even waste a single more word in your note than what's enough to remember and understand.
you write the note for your own convenience, not to impress some Girl or Professor or Earn Ph.D.
Note is for quick revision and remembering - it has to be Short and sweet.
+ it gives you writing practice that helps you in mains.
it has to be your own note, not even note of some other person/Topper.

he might not have written things that he didnot consider imp during the UPSC trend of his time.
and you can never know as much as he understood from his note. (because he made the note ONLY AFTER reading the Reference Book.)
e.g. see above 3 lines note, if you had not read the original reference book, then you'd not see a complete
connection of those question answers with those 3 lines.
if reading someone else notes was going to help, then why not everyone who reads Mr XYZ Topper's notes is not getting
as high marks as he did?
avoid shortcut ways, it takes a lil time and effort to make a note but its worth it, having your own note.
+ in mains exam you'll have to write a lot, so the
habit of writing notes keeps your hand in tone. other wise you won't be able to complete your mains paper in 3 hours.

by using a readymade note, you're depriving your hand from the practice of writing. and that's going to hurt you in Mains Exam.

XYZ Topper in some year got the rank despite making any note. so you don't have to make notes to get selected in UPSC. |
BUT you ask yourself,
do you've computer like brain to remember everything you read for single time can you recall everything on the day of exam with out revising? |
just because some one cracked the exam with out making notes doesn't mean you too should step into
his shoes with out measuring your own foot (brain) size number.

Advantage = when you come across some new important things related to that topic- you can add a new
paper in between those pages in the file.
(if you use a traditional notebook / full scape note then it'd be difficult to add something new in between the pages afterwards.)

and then once you are done reading, start making the notes, by converting those imp lines in your own words.
break down the long ornamental sentences into small words. - then only you can remember it for a long time.
e.g. refer that Deficit financing example again.
NEVER Write what you can remember with out writing
"we got independence on 15th August , 1947" "Tiger is our national Animal." |
this isn't your college exam, you can't score huge using a ready made material.
if you want to be an IAS then you need to be in at least first 30-50 in this whole country (or in around first 270-400 if you are SC/ST) ,
and do you think they'll give you that big marks,
when you write the same thing what 10000 other people are also writing (from those ready made notes?)
this exam is not about cramming (those ready made notes/material) but about understanding and revising.
more suggestions are welcome.
those of you who're preparing for 2010
you've 11 Months in your hands,
(Prelim of 2010 will be taken in May 2010)
so don't give the time limit as an excuse- if you want to succeed then you've endure the suffering and pain (of making notes)
and its not That time consuming- you're converting 1 paragraph in 1 line. its an art and you can master it only by practice.
Update in article after Question from a reader
there are two ways to make notes,
study a particular topic from 1-2 best sources n then make d best notes1. you read the topic from all the reference books and
then you immediatly make the notes - condensing and combining them together.
this works when dealing with a topic that has same way of flow in each book. and when you've lot
of free time and prelims/mains is far away.
simply keep pennin down the points while reading.2.
when you're reading - you keep writing down the imp points from each paragraph from all books.
if you want to do this- then write the notes in loose papers. and once you're done reading
entire chapter from all reference books- then file the papers together, topic wise.
this works better when you're running out of the time and exam comes very near & you've to finish lot in short time.