IAS,IPS Exam- Study Tips
most new people excessively depend on the ready made material of coaching classes,
hence this article I wrote to enlighten them
why note makig is important and
How should they make notes?
No matter how tasty the Sambhar is, you'll not enjoy it unless its hot.
Revision is same like Heating the Sambhar,
No matter how many thick books you've read through out the year, you'll not be able to
recall much from it during the Exam unless you've done frequent revision.
That's where the Role of Note making comes.
Why should you make notes?
for 2 reasons1. Quick revision
you can't revision 15-20 Thick books on the night before exams,

2. Remembering the tough to remember things.
by making charts, diagrams, tables etc.
How to make notes?
Note making DOESN't mean writing down everything from the reference book.
(that's same like Xeroxing)
Note making means - you write down some specific sentence / keywords that'll enable you
to recall that entire 1 page big topic.
its an ART of converting 1 Paragraph into 1 Sentence.
lets take an example.
you've to prepare Freedom Struggle Movement for G.S. history
now you can read multiple books, they'll have written many paragraphs on
the Characteristic of Early phase of Freedom Movement from 1857- 1905.
but you can summerize all of it into just 3 lines
- Done by posh people.
- reforms via Peaceful means
- had faith in the British Justice.
Why did British introduced Reforms?
- To keep the mods away from Extremists' influence.
- Prevent a situation like 1857 (not written in the note cause its obvious)
(only Posh people involved, didnot have popular big base of poor farmers), so the reforms were only piecemeal – namesake only.
How Extremists were different from Moderate?
(Mods. wanted reforms via Peaceful means + did not want British to Leave India (had faith in ...) )
Why Surat Split? :
No fruitful result + Extr vs Mods difference.
Why Gandhi was successful?
cause he expanded the Base of people. (Posh People + Poor people.)
He had hinted about it during his BHU Opening Ceremony Speach.
and you'll be able to recall everything, with out having to read that big paragraph/ Chapter again.
(for Facts and Dates you'll have to make Table etc.)
that's the use of Notes.
you convert a 500 page big book into a 15 pages small note. and then
you never touch that big book again
and keep revising that note until you know it like the back of your hand.