Topper's Marks - Civil Service Examination

Marks obtained by Toppers:

Maximum Marks 1st Rank1 3rd Rank2 6th Rank3 7th Rank4
Essay 200 125 132 119 108

General Studies - Paper I 300 192 197 179 154
General Studies - Paper II 300 147 164 180 127
Optional I - Paper I 300 173 173 165 174
Optional I - Paper II 300 180 171 180 183
Optional II - Paper I 300 190 166 181 205
Optional II - Paper II 300 157 191 200 185
Interview 300 230 180 174 201
Total marks 2300 1394 1374 1338 1337

Percentage of marks obtained by Toppers:

Maximum Marks 1st Rank1 3rd Rank2 6th Rank3 7th Rank4
Essay 100 62.50 66.00 59.50 54.00
General Studies - Paper I 100 64.00 65.67 59.67 51.33
General Studies - Paper II 100 49.00 54.67 60.00 42.33
Optional I - Paper I 100 57.67 57.67 55.00 58.00
Optional I - Paper II 100 60.00 57.00 60.00 61.00
Optional II - Paper I 100 63.33 55.33 60.33 68.33
Optional II - Paper II 100 52.33 63.67 66.67 61.67
Interview 100 76.67 60.00 58.00 67.00
Total marks 100 60.61 59.74 58.17 58.13
1Optionals were Public Administration and Psychology, but order is not known.
2Optionals were Physics and Geography, but order is not known.
3Optionals were Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, but order is not known.
4Optionals were Physics and Chemistry, but order is not known.

Indian Civil Services Examination 2003 - Results

Recommended Candidates - 2003*
General OBC SC ST Total
184 (Including two physically challenged) 129 (Including two physically challenged) 67 33 413
Vacancies - 2003
Category General OBC SC ST Total
IAS 46 26 12 7 89
IFS 9 5 4 - 18
IPS 43 26 12 7 88
Group A** 111 61 39 20 231
Group B** 19 11 - 1 31
Total number of vacancies 228 129 67 35 457


Top Scores in IAS - IAS Top Scorers, Top Scores in IAS, ias us gaap, ifrs ias, ias standards

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