IAS Zoology Examination-2004-Mains PAPER - II
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any three of
the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.
1. In about 200 words, explain any three of the following:
(a) Symmetry of Isometric System with forms and examples. 20
(b) Zoning in plagioclase feldspar and its genesis. 20
(c) Phase rule and metamorphism. 20
(d) Diagenesis as a sedimentary process. 20
2. Give the salient features of structural classification of silicates. Describe arty one
mineral group belonging to the Nesosilicate class, giving the chemical
composition, physical properties and occurrence. 60
3. Write explanatory notes on the following:
(a) Ultramafic rocks in Ophiolite sequence, their petrography and petrogenesis.
(b) Facies of contact metamorphism and their characteristics. 30
4. Define sedimentary facies. Describe continental glacial and glacio-fluvial facies
giving their salient characteristics with an Indian example. 60
5. In about 200 words each, write notes on any three of theJollowing :
(a) Paragenesis and Zoning in ore deposits. 20
(b) Classification of resources and reserves of ore. 20
(c) Composition of meteorites, their classification and significance in geological
studies. 20
(d) Environmental impact of opencast mining. 20
6. Write notes on the following in brief:
(a) Lindgren's classification of Hydrothermal deposits and their salient charac-
teristics. 30
(b) Lower Gondwana coalfields of India; their geological setting and coal
resources. 30
7. Discuss the methods of geophysical prospecting defining their principle and
parameters. Describe anyone method and its applications . - 60
8. Write notes on the following, in brief:
(a) Definition of trace elements. Goldschmidt's rules for the distribution of trace
elements and later modifications of these rules. 30
(b) Landslides as natural hazards, their causes, impacts and measures of their
mitigation. 30