IAS Zoology Examination-2003-Mains PAPER - I

C.S.E. (MAIN) – 2003 GEOLOGY
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and
remaining any THREE questions selecting at least ONE from each Section.
1. Answer any three of the following, each within 200 20 X 3 = 60
(a) How do structure, climate, topography and vegetation influence rocks in
(b) Mantle of the earth. .
(c) Significance of Remote Sensing in small mining industry.
(d) Differen1iate between the following pairs:
(i) Dome and basin
(ii) Horst and graben
(iii) Overthrust and underthrust faults
(iv) Hanging wall and footwall
2. Discuss the significance and mechanism of sea-floor spreading. 60
3. Describe the following: 30 X 2 = 60
(a) Drainage patterns of Indian Sub-continent
(b) Advantages of photo-geology over conventional geological survey.
4. Define unconformity and describe its various types. How tan they be recognized
in the field? 60
5. Answer any three of the following, each within 200 words: 30 X 2 = 60
(a) Pleistocene glaciation
(b) Role of geologists in the construction of bridge
(c) Role of microfossils in correlation of rock formations
(d) Describe the morphology of Gastropoda shelf.
6. Discuss the evolutionary changes in the morphology of Ammonoids. 60
7. Describe the following: 30 x 2 = 60
(a) Principles of stratigraphic correlation
(b) Significance of glossopteris and ptylophyllum in the study of Gondwana
8. Discuss the following: 30 X2 = 60
(a) Importance of rain water harvesting for living beings
(b) Precautions in construction of buildings in earthquake-prone zones.

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