IAS Papers : IAS main History Paper I 2000
Q. 1. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) “Administrative efficiency is enhanced by keeping at a minimum the number of organizational levels through which a matter must pass before it is acted upon.” – (Herbert A. Simon) 20
(b) “A science of administration would be a body of for mal statements describing invariant relationships between measurable objects, units, or elements. Unquestionably, administrative research has produced definite precepts and hypotheses that are applicable to concrete situations.” – (Fritz Morstein Marx) 20
(c) … “a more thorough consideration leads to the understanding that communication, authority, specialisation and purpose are all aspects comprehended in coordination.”- (Chester I. Barnard) 20
(d) “Political environment conditions administrative system.” – (F. W Riggs) 20
Q. 2. “… The paradigms of public administration may be understood in terms of locus an focus.” - Golembiewski
In the light of the above statement describe the “five-paradigms” of Nicholas Henry about the evolution of the discipline of public administration. 60
Q. 3. “Information constitutes the life-blood of the functioning of organization.” In the light of this statement, explain the utility and importance of communication in decision-making. 60
Q. 4. What opportunities are available to All India Services and state services in career development ? Do you agree that days of generalists in modern administrative state are
numbered ? 60