How To Become An IAS/IPS Officer
The first and the foremost thing you need to know is that, what actually is the meaning of becoming an IAS or IPS. It is expected of every aspiring candidate to know that IAS means Indian Administrative Services and IPS means Indian Police Services. This post contains the detailed information about how to become an IAS officer and the same procedure is followed to become an IPS officer.
What I personally believe is that IAS is only for those people who have a dream for india and wish to see india as a super power in the coming years. It?s for all those who feel that india has the potential and they can bring about a change for the betterment. With IAS, you become an integral part of the government of Indian and can work from inside the system to change things radically.
Steps to become an IAS officer:
? The first thing in this difficult path to success is that you need to give UPSC held Civil Services Examination which is a common examination for getting into IAS or IPS.
? You should make yourself very well acquainted with the examination pattern and the sample questions so that you can prepare accordingly and prepare yourself mentally.
? You can get the application forms and information brochure from Head Post Offices or Post Offices throughout the country. Fill the form and mail it to the following address:
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,
New Delhi - 110011.
Examination pattern (prelims):
There are two papers. The papers are on:
1. General Studies (150 marks)
? Indian Polity & Economy
? History of India including Indian National Movement
? Indian and World Geography
? Current Affairs of National and International Importance
? General and day-to-day Science
2. Some optional subject (300 marks)
? Agriculture
? Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
? Botany
? Chemistry
? Civil Engineering
? Commerce
? Economics
? Electrical Engineering
? Geography
? Geology
? Indian History
? Law
? Mathematics
? Mechanical Engineering
? Medical Science
? Philosophy
? Physics
? Political Science
? Psychology
? Public Administration
? Sociology
? Statistics
? Zoology
Examination pattern (mains):
There are ?9? papers that you have to give! These papers include:
? 1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
? 1 English Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
? 1 General Essay type paper (200 marks)
? 2 General Studies papers (300 marks each)
? 4 Optional subjects papers (300 marks each)
When you are through from all these examinations, prepare yourself for one of the toughest interviews you will ever encounter in your whole life.
What I personally believe is that IAS is only for those people who have a dream for india and wish to see india as a super power in the coming years. It?s for all those who feel that india has the potential and they can bring about a change for the betterment. With IAS, you become an integral part of the government of Indian and can work from inside the system to change things radically.
Steps to become an IAS officer:
? The first thing in this difficult path to success is that you need to give UPSC held Civil Services Examination which is a common examination for getting into IAS or IPS.
? You should make yourself very well acquainted with the examination pattern and the sample questions so that you can prepare accordingly and prepare yourself mentally.
? You can get the application forms and information brochure from Head Post Offices or Post Offices throughout the country. Fill the form and mail it to the following address:
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,
New Delhi - 110011.
Examination pattern (prelims):
There are two papers. The papers are on:
1. General Studies (150 marks)
? Indian Polity & Economy
? History of India including Indian National Movement
? Indian and World Geography
? Current Affairs of National and International Importance
? General and day-to-day Science
2. Some optional subject (300 marks)
? Agriculture
? Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
? Botany
? Chemistry
? Civil Engineering
? Commerce
? Economics
? Electrical Engineering
? Geography
? Geology
? Indian History
? Law
? Mathematics
? Mechanical Engineering
? Medical Science
? Philosophy
? Physics
? Political Science
? Psychology
? Public Administration
? Sociology
? Statistics
? Zoology
Examination pattern (mains):
There are ?9? papers that you have to give! These papers include:
? 1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
? 1 English Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
? 1 General Essay type paper (200 marks)
? 2 General Studies papers (300 marks each)
? 4 Optional subjects papers (300 marks each)
When you are through from all these examinations, prepare yourself for one of the toughest interviews you will ever encounter in your whole life.