IPS IAS Exam 4
The following illustrates Step 9 of How to Write an Essay.
Writing an essay is a difficult thing to do. You have to organize your thoughts. Sentences should have good grammar. Paragraphs can't be too short. Putting it all together isn't easy.
It is hard to organize your thoughts. You may have many different ideas about the subject. It's important to pick an idea that's easy to write about. Brainstorming is a good tool for finding the right idea. Organizing your thoughts is an important first step to writing an essay.
Writing good sentences for an essay takes time. All sentences need to be written correctly. Every sentence needs to support your topic. The sentences should not all start or end the same way. Taking the time to write good sentences makes your essay more interesting.
The paragraphs in an essay should have more than a few words. A good paragraph has at least five sentences. There should be a structure to each paragraph. The paragraph should fully develop one of your ideas. Longer paragraphs make your essay more effective.
Writing an essay is hard, but rewarding. It's good to learn to organize your thoughts. Being able to put a good sentence together will help you in lots of ways. When you know how to write a paragraph, you can answer test questions easily. Essays help you learn about your topic, and about writing, too.