Sociology - 1998 (Main) (Paper - II)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following (in not more than 200 words each) :
(a) Response of Indian
(b) Implications of emergence of regional political parties
(c) Modes and contents of expression of Dalit consciousness
(d) Problem of adult illiteracy in India
2. Assess the impact of market economy on the traditional rural economic structure.
3. Examine the causes and consequences of growing size of urban middle class.
4. Analyse critically the Government of India's tribal policy.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following (in not more than 200 words each) :
(a) Revivalist social movements in India
5. Write short notes on any three of the following (in not more than 200 words each) :
(a) Revivalist social movements in India
(b) Increasing economic disparities between rural and urban populations
(c) Role of caste associations
(d) Social consequences of unplanned urban growth
6. Discuss the constitutional safeguards for religious minority groups and account for increasing religious fundamentalism in India.
7. "Political and economic empowerment of women is necessary but not a sufficient condition for improving social status of women in India." Comment.
8. Examine the socio-economic consequences of the changing age-structure of India's population.